SOGET POS is the management system used by port authorities. It was developed as an add-on for the S)ONE PCS, using the latest Microsoft technology.
This information system fosters more efficient management of ship calls, requests for associated services, transit of goods, including dangerous goods, areas under concession, waste, relations with the port’s customers and invoicing and recovery of port dues.
SOGET POS is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for port authorities, handling:
Operations management: entry/exit and service requests; real time monitoring; ship services (pilotage, boatage, etc.); technical resources and harbormaster’s register, security, waste management and mapping of water and wharf occupation.
SOGET POS collects the freight, fish and passenger manifests, gathering data from various sources—customs and terminal authorities—and enabling port management, including granting of entry/exit permits and timestamping of goods movements.
Automatically connected to port accounting systems, SOGET POS offers a multi-currency calculation engine that can be set to implement the port charges system, manage the invoice life cycle (disputes, claims and reminders) and debt collection, and monitor invoice status.
SOGET POS provides the repository of sites divided by zones: berths, warehouses, dock and port area land use plan.
It handles requests and approvals for occupation and monitoring of concession activity and invoicing of spaces used.
Users have a full database available, including data such as the number of containers, ship calls processed, etc.
They can perform searches using selected criteria: periods, dates, terminal operator, zone, etc. and program periodical statistics reports on operating, operational and financial data.
The CRM section of SOGET POS offers a sales and marketing, helpdesk and feedback module to allow customer services teams to automate sales processes, provide a customer support repository and access to analysis charts of opportunities and sales, and monitor and analyze marketing operation success.
Photo credits: Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash