The analysis is done in several stages:
All of the company’s consumption is analysed. But the GCI platform groups them into large families and sub-families.
To give a few examples, we find energy, which belongs to Scope 1 and 2, employee travel, assets and waste, which are associated with Scope 3.
These data are then transformed into tons of CO2 from the Carbon Base®, which is directly available in the GCI platform. Or I can calculate and enter the data directly with the data provided by the producer.
Carrying out this assessment allows us to situate ourselves. We want to adopt the “Calculate, Reduce, Compensate” approach.
The years 2021 and 2022 are currently being analysed. This commitment will be renewed each year.
GCI allows us to obtain a very synthetic view of the tons of CO2 emitted. It also provides an analysis by Scope, so that we can see where efforts need to be made.
Our ambition is to reduce our CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030.